Frequently Asked Questions


What are Neuromodulators?

Botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin, that is derived from the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. When small amounts of this are injected in to target muscles, it prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, thus causing temporary paralysis of the muscles injected.

What should I expect at my appointment?

While Botulinum toxin is FDA approved and given safely in on-label dosing indications, it is very important that we go over your full medical history, including allergies and previous surgeries. Anesthesia is not indicated for this procedure. A very small needle, will be inserted slowly into targeted muscles. Most people feel a pinch or stinging sensation immediately following the injection. You may have slight redness and small bumps at the injection sites. These bumps resemble “mosquito bites”, and will resolve very quickly. Most people go back to work/home and resume normal daily activities.

How soon will I see my results?

Results are not immediate. Partial reduction has been seen as early as 3 days. Maximum reduction is targeted muscles treated will not take affect until 2 weeks after your treatment. Do not worry if you do not get the results you want the first time. Schedule a 2 week follow up for reassessment and corrective dose adjustments. After multiple treatments, results may last longer. Typically, it is recommended to have your treatments every 3-4 months to prevent full pre-treatment movement.

Is there anything I should not do after my treatment?

Remain upright for 4 hours post-injection (you may recline, just do not lie flat. Avoid activities that can cause flushing (i.e. exercise, alcohol consumption, hot tub/sauna use)

These are avoided to reduce the likelihood of the medication shifting to another area.


What is filler and what is it used for?

As we get older, thin skin, loss of elasticity as well as loss of collagen, hyaluronic acid (HA) and elastin all contribute to the natural process of aging. Fillers are utilized as corrective treatments for deep wrinkles and to enhance facial contouring. Most commonly used to enhance nasolabial folds, cheeks, lips, jowls and temples.

There are 2 types of dermal fillers:

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) - A synthetic product made from connective tissue normally found in the body. HA provides structural support, adds volume and fullness to the skin via it’s hydrophilic abilities. These are clear, colorless gels. Most are premixed with lidocaine. Results can last 6-12 months on average. These injectables can be reversed if indicated.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) - A biostimulatory product which is made from ions of phosphate and calcium, which occur naturally in the human body. CaHA is a thicker, white opaque product which mechanism of action includes stimulating the bodies own fibroblasts to synthesize new collagen. FDA approved CaHA include Radiesse- results can last 12-18 months.

Anything I need to do prior to my dermal filler appointment?

Stop all OTC blood thinning medications and supplements for at least 1 week prior to your procedure IF allowed per the care of your prescribing physician. (Including but not limited to: NSAIDS- ASA, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve-, Melatonin, St John’s Wort, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Ginko Biloba, Turmeric)

Avoid alcohol intake 3-5 days prior to your appoinmtent to reduce the risk of bleeding and aid with bruising.

Make sure that you are planning your appointment with the expectation that some bruising and swelling may occur. It is suggested that you allow yourself 14 days to fully heal

You CAN take Arnica tablets unless contraindicated up to 3 days prior to your appointment

What should I expect during my appointment?

We will start with a full medical history if you are a first time client and go over treatment goals. Pre and post injection photos with be taken, and any asymmetries will be discussed prior to procedure. The treatment area will be cleaned and topical numbing cream will be applied. Most fillers also contain lidocaine, so discomfort should be minimized. Results will be immediate along with some redness, possible bruising and swelling which will resolve in the next few days following treatment.

Is there anything I should avoid after my dermal filler procedure?

Avoid exercise, heat and alcohol for the next 24-48 hours. Try to lie on your back for the next 48 hours to avoid extreme pressure on the area treated.

Bruising and swelling is normal in the recovery process. There may even be some unevenness at the injections sites; this will typically resolve after 7 days. Full results of your dermal filler treatment will be noticeable at 3-4 weeks.

Contact me immediately if you experience any of the following: Unsual pain, numbness or tingling at the treatment site, blanchingor mottling of the skin. These could indicate a rare side effect called a vascular occlusion which is a medical emergency.

Still unsure? Contact me with any questions or to schedule an obligation free consultation